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Thank You Letter for Organising a Neighbourhood Watch

By: Beth Morrisey MLIS - Updated: 6 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Thank You Letter Community Neighbourhood

Organising a neighbourhood watch requires a great deal of work. From planning the network to recruiting volunteers to hosting meetings and maybe even contacting the local police force, those who organise a neighbourhood watch give up a great deal of their free time for the good of the neighbourhood. Neighbours who take on this responsibility deserve to be thanked with a sincere thank you letter.

Content of a Thank You Letter for Organising a Neighbourhood Watch

A thank you letter for organising a neighbourhood watch should of course contain an explicit message of thanks to the recipient for taking on this task. It should also mention why this organisation is important to the letter writer and how the neighbourhood watch will positively affect his or her life or the general safety of the local community. If the neighbourhood watch has already made a concrete difference then specific details of how it has made a difference should also be included. For example, if there was a specific problem that the neighbourhood watch helped to eliminate then it would be appropriate to mention this in a thank you letter. Writers can also offer to help with some parts of the neighbourhood watch if they have not done so already, though this offer should only be made if the writer is actually willing to follow through should the recipient ask him or her to do so.

Format of a Thank You Letter for Organising a Neighbourhood Watch

A thank you letter for organising a neighbourhood watch which is written by a private citizen (as opposed to a group of citizens, such as a homeowners association) should be a relatively informal letter. Formal business letter formatting is not required, so the contact details of the letter writer and recipient do not need to be included. The date should be included, and salutations and closings will likely depend upon the closeness of the relationship of the letter writer and recipient. If possible these letters should be handwritten on paper, notecards or commercial thank you cards. Sending such letters via email or e-card may also be appropriate depending upon the relationship of the letter writer and recipient. If letters are written, they can be hand delivered or posted but their delivery should be timed for shortly after whichever events occurred to make the letters appropriate.

Sample of a Thank You Letter for Organising a Neighbourhood Watch

22 Oct 2024

Dear Kareem,

I just wanted to say thank you for taking on the great responsibility of organising a neighbourhood watch. While I have always felt safe here in Cedarville, I do understand that we can not be complacent about keeping up this level of safety in the future. As I mentioned previously I am very happy to host a neighbourhood watch meeting in my house and I would be glad to help out with any other administrative tasks with which you may need assistance.

Thank you again for all of your hard work on behalf of this neighbourhood. It is due to neighbours like you that I always feel lucky to be a part of the Cedarville community.

Best Wishes,

Minnie Ryan

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