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Thank You Letter for Being a Good Friend

By: Beth Morrisey MLIS - Updated: 23 Mar 2020 | comments*Discuss
Friends Good Friends Thank You Letters

Good friends make life easier, but because they seem ever-present it can be easy to take them for granted. Writing a good friend a thank you letter is one way to let him or her know that (s)he is so highly valued, and why.

Content of a Thank You Letter for Being a Good Friend

Every friendship is unique, so every thank you letter for being a good friend should be, too. The contents of these letters will depend upon how the friends interact, how often the friends see each other and what kind of things the friends do for or with each other. For example, a good friend who lives far away may receive a thank you letter for keeping in touch that also contains a message of hope that the friends will see each other again soon. A good friend who lives in the local area may receive a thank you letter for organising the last night out and for always being the one to get the letter writer out of the house.

Sometimes such letters may be written even if nothing has happened lately that requires thanking. These letters may contain a note of thanks to the friend simply for being a friend or for being who (s)he is. These letters can be harder to write because there is no concrete event or action to draw on, but they are also the types of letters that are treasured for years to come.

Add Some Quotes…

  • The only way to have a friend is to be one - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • "It takes a long time to grow an old friend" - John Leonard
  • "A friend will never be in your way, unless you're falling down." - Anonymous
  • "The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention." - Oscar Wilde

Or if you fancy something a bit more light hearted why not stick a funny quote in, like this one we've found;

  • "A friend is someone who will bail you out of jail. A best friend is the one sitting next to you saying "boy was that fun." - The Maugles

Format of a Thank You Letter for Being a Good Friend

A thank you letter for being a good friend is a close, personal letter.

Handwritten on good paper - If at all possible it should be handwritten on nice paper or notecard. These letters could be included in a commercial thank you card or e-card, but if the main message is not written by the friend (but rather a card company) then the impact of the card may be lost.

Make your own? - Why not go the extra mile and make your own thank your card? By hand crafting your own card you're adding extra sentiment and gratitude - and your friend will appreciate the extra time and effort you've put in. It doesn't take long to make your own card and it doesn't have to be over the top or done on the computer. The best home made cards are simple and personal. You can purchase packs of ready folded cards and envelopes - which saves time on trying to perfectly fold your card only to find it won't fit in the envelope.

A Make Your Own Idea...

Here's an idea for making your own thank you card for a good friend:
  • Use a small photograph of the two of you together
  • Mount the photograph on a coloured piece of card and stick it in the centre of the thank you card
  • Then either decorate around it with some craft supplies or leave it plain and simple

This is a basic idea but you can be as creative as you like. For inspiration you could always look at some of the thank you card available to buy or visit a craft shop as they will have lots of great ideas and booklets on how to create your own cards.

Addresses etc

There is no need to format these letters formally with both the writer's and recipient's address details included, nor is it necessary to use formal, stilted salutations and closings if the writer and recipient are close.

These letters could be sent by email if friends are far apart or the writer wants the message delivered immediately, but these letters make better keepsakes when they are written out by hand. Postal and hand delivery are both great for friend's thank you letter.

Example Thank You Letter for Being a Good Friend

27 Jul 2024

Dear Sharon,

It isn't often that I say this, but I wanted to thank you for being such a good friend. You are always around when I need you, always willing to listen when I need to talk, and always ready to organise something fun when I need a break. You are one of the most important people in my life, and when I count my blessings I always think of you. I don't think I could have got through the last few years without you. Through the break-ups and career changes and home moves you were always around to lend a hand and tell a joke. I appreciate that more than you know.

Thank you again for being such a great person and wonderful friend.



If you're embarrassed about sending a random letter to your friend...why not include it as a note in a birthday or Christmas card? Perhaps you could arrange to meet up and share a meal or spa day them to celebrate a certain number of years that you've known each other. You could include the note in with the invitation.

Just add something in, before the last line, like:"SO...to celebrate the fact that we've now known each other for twenty five years, I've booked a meal at X restaurant - my treat"

Thanking a Neighbour

If you are fortunate enough to have a neighbour you count as a good friend, you may wish to send them a thank you letter, too. Read our article Thank You For Being a Good Neighbour to help you compose the perfect letter.

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Dear Alexandra We have known each other for 15 years. Do you still know where we ate flour and I bumped my head on the oven;)? And you had to go to the hospital because you repainted with the skat board? Yes, those were the days :) I never forget the times in my life, I miss the time very much as we and hardly see anymore because you are teaching him and I am still at school: (But we still had a lot of wonderful moments. I just wanted to say nice that you exist and thanks a lot early for the beautiful moments that we have had together.
lexä - 23-Mar-20 @ 8:42 AM
Date........... My dear ............. You will be very happy to know that I reached home safe and sound. I had a comfortable journey. I miss you very much. I spent care of me during my stay there. I shall never forget the taste of good food you specially cooked for me. I shall remember for ever the happy moments of the trip to historical places of your city, you arranged for me. I am highly thankful to you for your all this kind hospitality. Besides it please convey my thanks to your all members of the family for their kind treatment and love. Write soon. With best wishes, Yours Sincerely,
bunty - 19-Oct-17 @ 7:36 PM
i appreciate for a wonder job...you are doing people....keep it it up.
Angelos - 28-Apr-17 @ 12:15 PM
Dear Friend, Its a pleasure to have friend like you in my life dear friend the one who understand me always remember when there special occasion my dear i wanted to thank you for being such nice to me i always remember you when i count my blessing may god everyone should have friend like you in life i remember every moment we spend talk the way you care support and guide and show me the right way to follow and i can't forget when we had fight you are the who come back and compromise and understand to re-connect again and forget all and lets be a friend again dear friends you are simple amazing thank you again for everything you spend with me.....
ajju - 22-Nov-16 @ 7:27 AM
thank you for being a good friend. i appreciate it so much
dede - 2-Dec-15 @ 7:32 AM
Please' provide me a beautiful' good and more impressive letters
Ram sharmaI - 19-Oct-15 @ 7:52 AM
Good letters for good friendships
Ram sharma - 19-Oct-15 @ 7:09 AM
hi mommy ! Its been a while since we talked and received text messages from you. Well,perhaps its pretty normal for me to say this after the adjustment you asked for,I dunno how to say it or where to start and it feels like there a butterflyin my stomachthat keeps on going around and around and it makes me sick... This is not me, thinking too much what went wrong why a suddenchanges in our communication... After receiving your response when I texted you , my world turns upside down andIt seems that I spent all day thinking why this friendship may be put Into a test. I came upto a realization What, When and Why you feel that way, You and I differ how see things and how we convey the message . I did my best to recall the day that I started building rapport with you. If I am not mistaken My first hello was June, and lately that becomes to often.. We chatted and I even dropped by on your station asking for YOUR “ pandesal “ often times and you offer it right away that make my tummy smile!. when we started doing hand massage in your station You even bring me my own Pancit Canton! and I even more like it pandesal with pancit canton is totally awesome!. I feet very comfortable talking to you as if I have known you for so long, and I started venting out some work related issue and for one instance I grabbed your hand and do the handmassage again.. The days and weeks pass by this hand massage becomes our routine whenever time permits us , then that’s the time I bragged what I was before getting intothiskindof industry , A “ Masseuse “then you told me about your Frozen shoulder , that makes me more interested about you..Interested in the fact thatI want to reach and helped you feel better. “ You cant attend your therapy session due to your hectic schedule. My head do the programming what needs to be done once you agree on the Treatment. Can’t help myself and feel so totally excited of getting this donewhen you finally said Yes. . I had mentioned that after I have counted the blessings I receivedin week or so,I even do community service just to return the blessings I Had received fromHim. You even told me that God is good because He sent me here to do His will . I Got patient outside that can give me 4 thousand approximately in a month, that makes me stay here and often go home to my home town. . I have saved and earn more and thatsounds Inviting right??That time when I was observing you, you’re a kind person, a loving parent,a loyal partner with Dad and of course a very nice friend You Can Ideally Call “Best Friend “. Knowing someone with this kind personality , afriend likeYOU is hard to find and that is why I have said to myself “ You , deserves some Treat! I can’t offer anything to you but my humble skills and inthat case, I offer you What I have (my skills perhaps? ) that may improve your mobility. I even said give me at least 6 months and your feel better.You agreed, and we started the session last
nix - 28-Nov-14 @ 4:43 AM
thank you for a sample <3 :)
tin tin - 25-Nov-14 @ 9:35 AM
hey bradon you are my best friend and mate you know every body at are high school hates me so that makes me sad but i know i can call you my brother in arms and best mate that means when i become famous you will be the first person to get my concart tickets for free cause you will be my body guardyou promise me this when i become famous mat will not be allowed into my concarts and will be kicket out ofthe venue i am preforming at and that means you are going higher on the charts to becoming my new music maneger and tour maneger or even my music maneger at sony music if i get signed to the company record label at sony music yours truely joe smith aka the king of pop jdog the elf smithy the bull rider the kid from canbrra the guy from the act jdog captin jdog the horse rider the water boy the musican the michael jackson dance teacher the michael jackson inprsonator and tribute artist and your best mate and friend and student council member and council member for the seat of powell
the powell side kick - 22-Dec-13 @ 9:55 AM
I am a volunteer at Lymac Hospital SA and would like to write a leter to say Thank you for such an incredible opportunity to work with such an amazing group of people who I feel have become like a family to me, I am so very honoured to have the chance to volunteer for such a great organisation. I just don't know how to put my appreciation into to words and am therefore requesting your help. Thank you Kimberley
kimberley - 14-Oct-13 @ 11:23 AM
Esme and Robert, It's not often that a person can really say "they have been loyal and true friends" and really mean it. You both have always been around when I have needed you. Always willing to listen when I have needed to talk, willing to offer a helping hand in any form or fashion and really mean it. When I count my blessings along with my children I count you guys twice. With the exception of a few others and the grace of God I couldn't have gotten through the last year without you and your family at my side. I am ever so grateful and can even begin to think of how I am ever going to repay you for all your acts of kindness. Esme you are no longer fall in the category of friend you are family. I pray that as it states in Isaiah 12 God is our "Strength and Song" that everyday even though you may feel like giving up "He will bless you with Life and Peace" Romans 8:5-13. Your actions are those of a true Christian and when I grow up I pray God lets me be like you.[ :) ] Thank you for loving and accepting me as I am. For always reminding me with a firm but loving hand, what God expects of me as his child. I Luv ya sis. I find that a grand privilege to say that. Robert, thank you, thank you and thank you for always allowing me to borrow your wife without getting angry at her or me for that matter, for imposing on your time. You my friend are a great example of what a man should be in all aspects and meaning of the word. I know that my choices are not always the best but I am thankful that you don't hold it against me and continue to be supportive no matter what. God promises us that when we get to heaven we will be crowned according to our deeds here on earth. I still have a lot to work on but there is no doubt in my mind that you and Esme will both receive the most beautiful crowns for all your goodness and kindness not just to me but to all those around you. The thought of not having youguys around bring tears to my eyes and an emptiness to my heart. Please don't ever stop being my friends. I love you bothand God Bless you always.
Esme/Robert - 19-Jun-13 @ 6:29 AM
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