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Thank You Letter for an Employee's Work During Year

By: Beth Morrisey MLIS - Updated: 24 Dec 2012 | comments*Discuss
Thank You Employers Employees Letter

A great way to show employees that they are recognised and that their contributions are valued in a given organisation is to simply write them thank you letters. While it may not be possible to hand write each letter, tailoring letters to fit each individual employee should be preferred over sending out impersonal form letters. For many organisations this may mean having their direct supervisors write these thank you letters, and there is no reason that this should be viewed as inferior or inappropriate when thanking employees for their work during a given year.

Content of Thank You Letters for Employee's Work During Year

Thank you letters for an employee's work during a given year should make concrete reference to their contributions to the larger organisation. This will require knowledge of each employee's role within the organisation,as well as the specific projects on which each employee worked. In smaller organisations it may be that one senior staff member could write each letter, but in larger organisations it would be more likely that managers or supervisors who work more closely with each employee would be the more logical choices to write these letters.

Even if employees will be receiving other compensation for their work, such as an award, pay rise, promotion or bonus, an accompanying thank you letter for their work is not just good business etiquette but an important means of making these employees feel valued by and possibly more loyal towards the larger organisation.

Presentation of Thank You Letters for Employee's Work During Year

Thank you letters for an employee's work during the year should not be a form letter. In this instance, form letters would be a waste of paper as many employees feel that form thank you letters are just as impersonal as no thank you letters at all. Instead, these letters should be neatly typed and on company letter head, but include content specific to the recipient. Emails may also be appropriate in a given organisation, as might be holiday cards or thank you cards with individual messages. The general tone of the office or organisation will generally dictate the tone and presentation of thank you letters.

Sample Thank You Letter for Employee's Work During Year

Ms. Susan Hunt
Project Executive
Organisation A
Organisation Street Address
Postal Code

#todays date#

Mr. Mark Wright
Project Manager
Organisation A
Organisation Street Address
Postal Code

Dear Mark,

As yet another year draws to a close I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your hard work within your role as a Project Manager with Organisation A.

While your managerial talents are always appreciated, your contributions to Project B were truly above and beyond even your own high standards. With your help, Organisation A increased its profits by 20% and your team alone recruited 12 new accounts. But perhaps even more importantly, your client and employee feedback was always positive and your team raved about your leadership skills and supportive manner. You have been the embodiment of Organisation A's spirit this year and I am very excited about the work that we will complete and the contributions that you will make in the future.

Thank you again for such a stellar year with Organisation A, and Happy Holidays!

Warmest wishes,

Susan Hunt

Thank You To Colleagues

If you are changing jobs, you might wish to thank colleagues for their help and support. It may be easier to express all your emotions in a Thank You Letter, and it's definitely better than sending a bog-standard email to the whole company!

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These are great from a manager to a small team. They might not seem like much but when a group has done a good job and you’re in charge it lets them know that they’ve been fully appreciated for things that might have been above and beyond the call of duty.
don - 3-Oct-12 @ 1:39 PM
Thanks for your great site and willing to share me some nice writing of yours. thanks Munir Jahayar
Ahmad - 30-May-12 @ 5:20 PM
Thanks for this letter. I used this and some variations of it on my team of 6. They went down really well and hopefully will go some way towards both motivating them and saying thanks.
JR - 21-Feb-12 @ 5:51 PM
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